23nd June 2.00am US Time...
Today I finally got to go into a theme park!!! AND got my Disney ID which lets me in on all the perks and good stuff that comes with being a cast member. What does that include? I hear you ask. Well, it’s 20% off in most Disney restaurants, between 20% and 40% off in the shops, between 20% and 60% in the hotels and... well you get the idea. Just a big old bunch of free money basically J

So what happened today? I was up at 5.30am to get the bus to Disney University (yes, Disney has a University) for my Traditions class. We had to dress up really smart in business attire, so I wore a denim-look silk blouse tucked into one of my Sixth Form black pencil skirts, plus nude panty-hose, my tan brogues and a tan belt to top it all off. I think I looked rather chic even if I do say so myself. Oh and I’d curled my hair with the new curlers I’d bought from Walmart (a pair of Conair’s for just $15... I’ll review them on my beauty blog _____________) I was carrying my folders in my hand and I had my little brown fringe bag from Topshop.
A girl in line in front of me got told off because her skirt was too short, but she was from somewhere Oriental and just giggled saying, ‘Oh oh oh no espeaky eenglish hee hee haha!’ So the woman let her off. Then I saw the same woman checking out my skirt and I thought, ‘Just try it, love, and I’ll be ‘no espeakin’ eenglish’, yeah?’ But she didn’t.
Traditions training is the Disney way of kind of initiating you and making you aware of the Disney employee life style. The mentality behind it is ‘We create happiness’ by using four keys, Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency. Sometimes you have to sacrifice one of the keys a little further down the line in order to preserve one of the others, for example if a Tomorrowland Cast Member (member of staff) sees a child about to get hurt in Fantasy land, sometimes they may need to spoil the ‘Show’ by going to ensure the ‘Safety’ of that child and crossing a Tomorrowland Costume (work uniform) into Fantasyland. But this is ok, because ‘Safe D begins with Me!’ which is another Disney Traditions motto.

After being brainwashed (I mean learning) about all these things, we got to go to the Magic Kingdom! Our Cast Member status was incognito of course, although we did enter via the Utilidors which are a series of tunnels and pathways beneath ground level in the theme park, designed by Disney Imagineers in order to preserve the ‘Show’ aspect of the resort. It was really cool to be able to see backstage... we saw a room of character heads (like Eeyore and Tigger... tons of them just lined up on a shelf), some people spotted a couple of princesses having their lunch or practising the dances for the parade in their underwear, and we saw this wall of Guess tapestries which was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to take any photographs here but it doesn’t matter because I’ll never forget the memories J
We entered the park up some stairs via Main Street Bakery and the morning Trolley Show was going on at the time which was perfect. I took a bit of video of us seeing the castle for the first time with the Main Street USA song playing in the background. It was just perfect. We walked towards the castle and into Adventureland before slipping out of another hidden Cast Member entrance... really it feels like you’re walking onto Platform 9 and Three Quarters because the Guests must just see you vanish!
After that we headed back to Disney University and did some more training type stuff. They showed a video of Walt and some other people to ‘inspire us’ and it did in fact bring a tear to my eye, especially when he says that line which he gave in the opening Disneyland speech, ‘To all who come to this happy place... Welcome!’ And then as if I wasn’t a big enough blubbering wreck, Mickey came and paid us a visit!!! At least I wasn’t the only teary eyed one, and I think I hid it rather well. I won a little Mickey figurine or ‘critter’ as the trainers called it, and was presented it by Mickey himself. He gave me a hug and everything. In fairness, the question was the easiest ever to answer, ‘Name the founder of the Disney company.’ Wow.
After Traditions, we were free to enter the parks if we wanted to! However, a couple of my friends weren’t getting out of class until after six, and I was exhausted from my early start, so I decided to go take a nap before going to the Magic Kingdom in the evening for dinner and fireworks. After all, we are here for 10 weeks, so there really isn’t any kind of rush at all!
My nap was amazing. I slept for a bit longer than I’d hoped and was woken up by the internet man here to give us the cord we’d been missing. HUZZAH! LET THERE BE INTERNET!!! I was able to Skype home for a little while which was nice and I checked my facebook and university email account. I spent about two hours getting rid of stupid emails. Fantastic.
After all that I went to Walmart with Natalee Jobes for a bit as I really needed an American cell phone! Bought some shampoo and bits to decorate my room too. My cell should be up and running pretty soon so keep an eye out for my number!

Once I got in Vikki came over and we got the CP (College Program) bus to the Transportation and Ticket Centre with Taryn before catching the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom. Por favour mantenganse alejado de las puertas.

We had an hour or so to kill and were absolutely famished, so we walked down Main Street to Cosmic Rays quick-service, burger restaurant in Tomorrowland where I had another kiddie meal! This time I had chicken nuggets with carrot sticks, fries and a small Coke. Plus there is a toppings bar which everyone is welcome to, so I had some mushrooms, onions and tomatoes too. All for $5. Seriously, I am a money-saving genius!!!

Once we’d finished there, we plonked ourselves right in front of the Cinderella Castle for the new projection show The Magic, The Memories and You which was amazing. I’m going to video record it one day so you can all see, because it is really breath-taking. About ten minutes later, the Wishes firework show started which was (again) beautiful. However, whilst the spot where we were sat was perfect for MMY it was a bit of a hindrance for Wishes as any of the fireworks which went off behind the castle weren’t visible for us L Sad times. It didn’t seem to hold a negative effect on Vikki though; it was the first firework show she’d seen here and she was like one of those kids who is completely fascinated with a new toy. She had a massive smile on her face afterwards and it really showed me that Disney does make dreams come true. *Insert vomiting.*

Once the fireworks had finished we wanted to meet up with the gang from last night, but we couldn’t get in touch, so we rode Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise (our skipper was amazing... and she was an ICP (International College Program Participant) from the UK too!) and Haunted Mansion before waiting in the MASSIVE monorail line to get home as Vikki has an early start tomorrow... well, today. She makes me laugh so much. Whilst she loved the fireworks, she didn’t ‘get’ the attractions. She was like, ‘You sit in a thing, and go around a thing, just looking at things.’ And yet she’s scared of any of the adrenalin type rides, so that’s her lot really!
Despite not having anything in particular to do tomorrow (my in-park training doesn’t start until Friday eeep!) I’d better get to bed. Need to try and kick this jet lag.
So good night. Sweet dreams. Love and miss you all J